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The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Mrs Molesworth Page 5

  She was strong and healthy in the extreme, intelligent though not precocious, observant but rather matter-of-fact, with no undue development of the imagination, nothing that by any kind of misapprehension or exaggeration could have been called “morbid” about her. It was a legend in the family that the word “nerves” existed not for Nora: she did not know the meaning of fear, physical or moral. I could sometimes wish she had never learnt otherwise. But we must take the bad with the good, the shadow inseparable from the light. The first perception of things not dreamt of in her simple childish philosophy came to Nora as I would not have chosen it; but so, I must believe, it had to be.

  “Where are we to sleep tonight, Herr von Walden, please?” asked Reggie from the heights of Lutz’s broad shoulders, late that third afternoon, when we were all, not the children only, beginning to think that a rest even in the barest of inn parlours, and a dinner even of the most modest description, would be very welcome.

  “Don’t tease so, Reggie,” said Nora. “I’m sure Herr von Walden has told you the name twenty times already.”

  “Yes, but I forget it,” urged the child; and good-natured Herr von Walden, nowise loath to do so again, took up the tale of our projected doings and destinations.

  “Tonight, my dear child, we sleep at the pretty little town—yes, town I may almost call it—of Seeberg. It stands in what I may call an oasis of the forest, which stops abruptly, and begins again some miles beyond Seeberg. We should be there in another hour or so,” he went on, consulting his watch. “I have, of course, written for rooms there, as I have done to all the places where we mean to halt. And so far I have not proved a bad courier, I flatter myself?”

  He paused, and looked round him complacently.

  “No, indeed,” replied everybody. “The very contrary. We have got on capitally.”

  At which the beaming face of our commander-in-chief beamed still more graciously.

  “And tomorrow,” continued Reggie in his funny German, pounding away vigorously at Lutz’s shoulders meanwhile, “what do we do tomorrow? We must have an Einspänner—is it not so? not that we are tired, but you said we had far to go.”

  “Yes, an Einspänner for the ladies—your amiable mother, Miss Nora, and my wife, and you, Reggie, will find a corner beside the driver. Myself and these young fellows,” indicating the three friends by a wave of the hand, “will start from Seeberg betimes, giving you rendez vous at Ulrichsthal, where there are some famous ruins. And you must not forget,” he added, turning to his wife and me, “to stop at Grünstein as you pass, and spend a quarter of an hour in the china manufactory there.”

  “Just what I wanted,” said Frau von Walden. “I have a tea-service from there, and I am in hopes of matching it. I had a good many breakages last winter with a dreadfully careless servant, and there is a good deal to replace.”

  “I don’t think I know the Grünstein china,” I said. “Is it very pretty?”

  “It is very like the blue-and-white that one sees so much of with us,” said Frau von Walden. “That, the ordinary blue-and-white, is made at Blauenstein. But there is more variety of colours at Grünstein. They are rather more enterprising there, I fancy, and perhaps there is a finer quality of china clay, or whatever they call it, in that neighbourhood. I often wonder the Thuringian china is not more used in England, where you are so fond of novelties.”

  “And where nothing is so appreciated as what comes from a distance,” said George Norman. “By Jove! isn’t that a pretty picture!” he broke off suddenly, and we all stood still to admire.

  It was the month of August; already the subdued evening lights were replacing the brilliant sunshine and blue sky of the glowing summer day. We were in the forest, through which at this part ran the main road which we were following to Seeberg. At one side of the road the ground descended abruptly to a considerable depth, and there in the defile far beneath us ran a stream, on one bank of which the trees had been for some distance cleared away, leaving a strip of pasture of the most vivid green imaginable.

  And just below where we stood, a goatherd, in what—thanks possibly to the enchantment of the distance—appeared a picturesque costume, was slowly making his way along, piping as he went, and his flock, of some fifteen or twenty goats of every colour and size, following him according to their own eccentric fashion, some scrambling on the bits of rock a little way up the ascending ground, others quietly browsing here and there on their way—the tinkling of their collar-bells reaching us with a far-away, silvery sound through the still softer and fainter notes of the pipe. There was something strangely fascinating about it all—something pathetic in the goatherd’s music, simple, barbaric even as it was, and in the distant, uncertain tinkling, which impressed us all, and for a moment or two no one spoke.

  “What is it that it reminds me of?” said Lutz suddenly. “I seem to have seen and heard it all before.”

  “Yes, I know exactly how you mean,” I replied. “It is like a dream;” and as I said so, I walked on again a little in advance of the others with Lutz and his rider. For I thought I saw a philosophical or metaphysical dissertation preparing in Herr von Walden’s bent brows and general look of absorption, and somehow, just then, it would have spoilt it all. Lutz seemed instinctively to understand, for he too for a moment or so was silent, when suddenly a joyful cry arose.

  “Seeberg!” exclaimed several voices; for the first sight of our temporary destination broke upon the view all at once, as is often the case in these more or less wooded districts. One travels for hours together as if in an enchanted land of changeless monotony; trees, trees everywhere and nothing but trees— one could fancy late in the afternoon that one was back at the early morning’s starting-point—when suddenly the forest stops, sharply and completely, where the hand of man has decreed that it should, not by gradual degrees as when things have been left to the gentler management of nature and time.

  So our satisfaction was the greater from not having known the goal of that day’s journey to be so near. We began to allow to each other for the first time that we were “a little tired,” and with far less hesitation that we were “very hungry.” Still we were not a very dilapidated-looking party when the inhabitants of Seeberg turned out at doors and windows to inspect us. Reggie, of course, whom no consideration could induce to make his entry on Lutz’s shoulders, looking the freshest of all, and eliciting many complimentary remarks from the matrons and maidens of the place as we passed.

  Our quarters at Seeberg met with the approval of everybody. The supper was excellent, our rooms as clean and comfortable as could be wished.

  “So far,” I could not help saying to my friends, “I have seen no signs of the ‘roughing it’ for which you prepared me. I call this luxurious.”

  “Yes, this is very comfortable,” said Herr von Walden. “At Silberbach, which we shall reach tomorrow evening, all will be much more homely.”

  “But that is what I like,” I maintained stoutly. “I assure you I am not at all difficile, as the French say.”

  “Still,” began Frau von Walden, “are you sure that you know what ‘roughing it’ means? One has such romantic, unpractical ideas till one really tries it. For me, I confess, there is something very depressing in being without all the hundred and one little comforts, not to say luxuries, that have become second nature to us, and yet I do not think I am a self-indulgent woman.”

  “Certainly not,” I said, and with sincerity.

  “If it were necessary,” she went on, “I hope I should be quite ready to live in a cottage and make the best of it cheerfully. But when it is not necessary? Don’t you think, my dear friend, it would perhaps be wiser for you to arrange to spend your two or three weeks here, and not go on to Silberbach? You might return here tomorrow from Ulrichsthal while we make our way home, by Silberbach, if my husband really wishes to see it.”

  I looked at her in some surprise. What possessed everybody to caution me so against Silberbach? Everybody, that is to say, except Herr von
Walden himself. A spice of contradiction began to influence me. Perhaps the worthy Herr had himself been influenced in the same way more than he realised.

  “I don’t see why I should do so,” I said. “We expect really to enjoy ourselves at Silberbach. You have no reason for advising me to give it up?”

  “No, oh no—none in particular,” she replied. “I have only a feeling that it is rather out of the way and lonely for you. Supposing, for instance, one of the children got ill there?”

  “Oh, my dear, you are too fanciful,” said her husband. “Why should the children get ill there more than anywhere else? If one thought of all these possibilities one would never stir from home.”

  “And you know my maid is ready to follow me as soon as I quite settle where we shall stay,” I said. “I shall not be alone more than four-and-twenty hours. Of course it would have been nonsense to bring Lina with us; she would have been quite out of her element during our walking expeditions.”

  “And I have a very civil note from the inn at Silberbach, the Katze,” said Herr von Walden, pulling a mass of heterogeneous-looking papers out of his pocket. “Where can it be? Not that it matters; he will have supper and beds ready for us tomorrow night. And then,” he went on to me, “if you like it you can make some arrangement for the time you wish to stay, if not you can return here, or go on to any place that takes your fancy. We, my wife and I and these boys, must be home by Saturday afternoon, so we can only stay the one night at Silberbach,” for this was Thursday.

  And so it was settled.

  The next day dawned as bright and cloudless as its predecessors. The gentlemen had started—I should be afraid to say how early—meaning to be overtaken by us at Ulrichsthal. Reggie had gone to bed with the firm intention of accompanying them, but as it was not easy to wake him and get him up in time to eat his breakfast, and be ready when the Einspänner came round to the door, my predictions that he would be too sleepy for so early a start proved true.

  It was pleasant in the early morning—pleasanter than it would be later in the day. I noticed an unusual amount of blue haze on the distant mountain-tops, for the road along which we were driving was open on all sides for some distance, and the view was extensive.

  “That betokens great heat, I suppose,” I said, pointing out the appearance I observed to my companion.

  “I suppose so. That bluish mist probably increases in hot and sultry weather,” she said. “But it is always to be seen more or less in this country, and is, I believe, peculiar to some of the German hill and forest districts. I don’t know what it comes from— whether it has to do with the immense number of pines in the forests, perhaps. Some one, I think, once told me that it indicates the presence of a great deal of electricity in the air, but I am far too ignorant to know if that is true or not.”

  “And I am far too ignorant to know what the effect would be if it were so,” I said. “It is a very healthy country, is it not?”

  “For strangers it certainly is. Doctors send their patients here from all parts of Germany. But the inhabitants themselves do not seem strong or healthy. One sees a good many deformed people, and they all look pale and thin—much less robust than the people of the Black Forest. But that may come from their poverty— the peasants of the Black Forest are proverbially well off.”

  A distant, very distant, peal of thunder was heard at this moment.

  “I hope the weather is not going to break up just yet,” I said. “Are there often bad thunderstorms here?”

  “Yes; I think we do have a good many in this part of the world,” she replied. “But I do not think there are any signs of one at present.”

  And then, still a little sleepy and tired from our unusual exertions of the last three days, we all three, Frau von Walden, Nora, and myself, sat very still for some time, though the sound of Reggie’s voice persistently endeavouring to make the driver understand his inquiries, showed that he was as lively as ever.

  He turned round after a while in triumph.

  “Mamma, Frau von Walden,” he exclaimed, “we are close to that place where they make the cups and saucers. Herr von Walden said we weren’t to forget to go there—and you all would have forgotten, you see, if it hadn’t been for me,” he added complacently.

  “Grünstein,” said Frau von Walden. “Well, tell the driver to stop there, he can rest his horses for half an hour or so; and thank you for reminding us, Reggie, for I should have been sorry to lose the opportunity of matching my service.”

  The china manufactory was not of any very remarkable interest, at least not for those who had visited such places before. But the people were exceedingly civil, and evidently very pleased to have visitors; and while my friend was looking out the things she was specially in search of—a business which promised to take some little time—a good-natured sub-manager, or functionary of some kind, proposed to take the children to see the sheds where the first mixing and kneading took place, the moulding rooms, the painting rooms, the ovens—in short, the whole process.

  They accepted his offer with delight, and I wandered about the various pattern or show rooms, examining and admiring all that was to be seen, poking into corners where any specially pretty bit of china caught my eye. But there was no great variety in design or colour, though both were good of their kind, the Grünsteiners, like their rivals of Blauenstein, seeming content to follow in the steps of their fathers without seeking for new inspirations. Suddenly, however, all but hidden in a corner, far away back on a shelf, a flash of richer tints made me start forward eagerly. There was no one near to apply to at the moment, so I carefully drew out my treasure trove. It was a cup and saucer, evidently of the finest quality of china, though pretty similar in shape to the regular Grünstein ware, but in colouring infinitely richer—really beautiful, with an almost Oriental cleverness in the blending of the many shades, and yet decidedly more striking and uncommon than any of the modern Oriental with which of late years the facilities of trade with the East make us so familiar. I stood with the cup in my hand, turning it around and admiring it, when Frau von Walden and the woman who had been attending to her orders came forward to where I was.

  “See here,” I exclaimed; “here is a lovely cup! Now a service like that would be tempting! Have you more of it?” I inquired of the woman.

  She shook her head.

  “That is all that remains,” she said. “We have never kept it in stock; it is far too expensive. Of course it can be made to order, though it would take some months, and cost a good deal.”

  “I wish I could order a service of it,” I said; but when I heard how much it would probably cost it was my turn to shake my head. “No, I must consider about it,” I decided; “but I really have never seen anything prettier. Can I buy this cup?”

  The woman hesitated.

  “It is the only one left,” she said; “but I think—oh yes, I feel sure—we have the pattern among the painting designs. This cup belonged to, or rather was an extra one of, a tea-service made expressly for the Duchess of T——, on her marriage, now some years ago. And it is curious, we sold the other one—there were two too many—to a compatriot of yours (the gracious lady is English? ) two or three years ago. He admired them so much, and felt sure his mother would send an order if he took it home to show her. A tall, handsome young man he was. I remember it so well; just about this time of the year, and hot, sultry weather like this. He was travelling on foot—for pleasure, no doubt—for he had quite the air of a milord. And he bought the cup, and took it with him. But he has never written! I made sure he would have done so.”

  “He did not leave his name or address?” I said; for the world is a small place: it was just possible I might have known him, and the little coincidence would have been curious.

  “Oh no,” said the woman. “But I have often wondered why he changed his mind. He seemed so sure about sending the order. It was not the price that made him hesitate; but he wished his lady mother to make out the list herself.”

ell, I confess the price does make me hesitate,” I said, smiling. “However, if you will let me buy this cup, I have great hopes of proving a better customer than my faithless compatriot.”

  “I am sure he meant to send the order,” said the woman. She spoke quite civilly, but I was not sure that she liked my calling him “faithless.”

  “It is evident,” I said to Frau von Walden, “that the good-looking young Englishman made a great impression on her. I rather think she gave him the fellow cup for nothing.”

  But after all I had no reason to be jealous, for just then the woman returned, after consulting the manager, to tell me I might have the cup and saucer, and for a less sum than their real worth, seeing that I was taking it, in a sense, as a pattern.

  Then she wrapped it up for me, carefully and in several papers, of which the outside one was bright blue; and, very proud of my acquisition, I followed Frau von Walden to the other side of the building containing the workrooms, where we found the two children full of interest about all they had seen.

  I should here, perhaps, apologise for entering into so much and apparently trifling detail. But as will, I think, be seen when I have told all I have to tell, it would be difficult to give the main facts fairly, and so as to avoid all danger of any mistaken impression, without relating the whole of the surroundings. If I tried to condense, to pick out the salient points, to enter into no particulars but such as directly and unmistakably lead up to the central interest, I might unintentionally omit what those wiser than I would consider as bearing on it. So, like a patient adjured by his doctor, or a client urged by his lawyer, to tell the whole at the risk of long-windedness, I prefer to run that risk, while claiming my readers’ forgiveness for so doing, rather than that of relating my story incompletely.